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Iconic Productions Interactive Educational Shows are specifically designed to meet and satisfy all the necessary curriculum outcomes for schools, teachers and students. The interactive educational resources, performances, events and shows have been written and created by qualified and experienced primary and high-school teachers who are familiar with the Australian National Curriculum and the Learning areas Human Society and Its Environment (HSIE) Curriculums (example: British Colonisation of Australia, GOLD, ANZAC's), and also supports specific outcomes relating to other Key Learning Areas. For instance, Creative Arts (music, drama and dance), Mathematics, and English (reading and writing).  The shows, which can be either an

  1. in-school experience (aka an incursion), done in the comfort and safety of your own school; or
  2. can be an out of school experience (aka an excursion), where students and the school come to a designated location.

have age approriate and suitable content that supports the educational indicators and syllabus requirements for all schools and teachers in every state of the country your school is in.  In our Educational Interactive resources, performances and events, our interactive educational based resources,  shows and performances are mainly based on the the specific learning outcomes taught in class at specific year and grade levels.   Our educational resources provide a great real-time and interactive experience for studetns and school in the all subjects and learning outcomes predominately focus on the facts and events from from personal to global contexts.  

Whether your students are consolidating learning in any area or school subject, you need to stimluate their interest or encourage further learning area, this is the place to be.  Through our interactive educational resources, events and performance we guarantee that our resources, events and performances will most definitely create an experience for your students that will, encourage, assist, help and stimulate their ability and appropach to question, think critically, solve problems, communicate effectively, make decisions and adapt to change.

With the added experience of highly-qualified script-writers, stage production staff and actors, our educational school based resources, performances and events also offer a very entertaining staged theatrical event that engages, stimulates and enhances the students experience.  Each show is specifically formulated for small or large group of student involvement and participation. To add to the realness of our Interactive Educational School Shows resources and performances, authentic props, costumes and equipment is used to make it a REAL experience. Our interactive educational shows bring to life, right in front of the student's eyes the lessons learnt in the classroom.

Based on the huge student participation and involvement, the most accurate and up-to-date educational content, the age appropriateness of our shows and the interactive entertaining aspect of all our productions for schools, Iconic Productions are proud to have won the Frater Award for Excellence from the NSW Department of Education, 3 years in a row.


Sub Categories for EDUCATIONAL SHOWS
Current Top Sellers
The GOLD FIELDS LIVE, show and performance
Gold FIELDS LIVE - an entertaining interactive 2 hour LIVE SHOW on the Discovery of Gold
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Shipping Cost: $5.00
30-Day Return Policy
5 100
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ANZAC Story! School Show - Australia Wide Tour
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Shipping Cost: $5.00
30-Day Return Policy
5 100
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Captain Flash and the Fantastic Flying Machine
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Shipping Cost: $5.00
30-Day Return Policy
5 100
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Minibeast Educational Sessions
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Shipping Cost: $5.00
30-Day Return Policy
5 100
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New Events

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Shipping Cost: $5.00
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Shipping Cost: $5.00
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Shipping Cost: $5.00
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Shipping Cost: $5.00
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Popular Products
Gold FIELDS LIVE - an entertaining interactive 2 hour LIVE SHOW on the Discovery of Gold
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Shipping Cost: $5.00
30-Day Return Policy
5 100
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ANZAC Story! School Show - Australia Wide Tour
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Shipping Cost: $5.00
30-Day Return Policy
5 100
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Captain Flash and the Fantastic Flying Machine
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Shipping Cost: $5.00
30-Day Return Policy
5 100
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Minibeast Educational Sessions
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Shipping Cost: $5.00
30-Day Return Policy
5 100
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