Coronavirus COVID-19 Updates from Iconic Productions Executive Management Team.
To our valued theatre community,
We continue though to remind everyone that these are still unprecedented times for all of us, and having 38 dark theatres is not what we had planned for you at the start of the pandemic in 2020. Our purpose was to operate thriving, nationally renowned, first-class shows, events and performances that present the best commercial theatrical product from around the world to the widest possible audience. Nothing brings our team greater joy than having our events bustling with excitement, laughter and applause. Unfortunately we are sad to announce we are no longer in operation.
Added 12 May 2021: Company No Longer in Operation due to the continued Lockdowns and Harsh Conditions set on Businesses.
With regret all our Theatre In Education Shows no longer operate because of the COVID Lockdowns.
We sadly would like to advise that the continued uncertainty of restrictions and lockdowns by state governments has caused our business great harm and financial unwellness. As a result of the failures of government to understand how these unfair and illogical lockdowns affect businesses we sadly have CLOSED OUR BUSINESS INDEFINITELY. We can no longer afford the financial costs of paying employees and all the related business expenses with the continued and relentless inconsiderate lockdowns that have done little to protect the community but cause harm and disrepute to people's livelihoods and mental health. If you have a problem with the CLOSURE OF THE SERVICES OF OUR BUSINESS I strongly recommend that you forward your concerns to you local minister and your state premiere as our decision to CLOSE OUR BUSINESS is a pure 100% reason of the governments failure to see what they are doing and how they are affecting the life of the community and the commerce of each community.
We wish you, your business and your family the very best of health and hope one day the power returns to the people to make decisions and not the government who clearly have no idea of how their decisions affect the community.
Added 2 October 2020: Queensland Borders Set to Open 1 November - Social Distancing Restrictions to ease by December
The news that came out today by the Queensland Premier of borders opening on the 1st of November is positive, however like many companies in the Arts Industry the social distancing laws is what is impacting us even still. With the 1.5 metre distancing rules it means a normal show would require a minimum of 4 to 5 hundred square metres to safely perform our events. We know that most of our customers would not have that kind of space for our shows to be staged. It does appear that these social distancing laws are being reduced by December. This helps but does not give a true indication of what is allowed or not allowed in the industry. Our outdoor events may begin to start post December however while we are planning for this we are not certain.
For now the decision by the company is to continue with the postponement of our events until the end of the year and consider opening dates for 2021 by at least February or March. We are still in planning mode and are trying to find a way out of the challenge. Customers who purchased refund protection are still eligible for a refund and need to apply for the refund from our refund protection group as displayed on our terms and conditions page. For customers who did not purchase the refund protection, please rest assured that your event will be held in credit indefinitely and on the next available date we will schedule your event at no extra cost to you. These customers who have not purchased refund protection will still fall under our CoronaVirus terms as stated below in our FAQs. Click here to read below on how we will be processing credits for those customers who did not purchase the refund protection.
Please continue to monitor this special page for further updates as they are announced.
Added 27 July 2020: Australian Tours postponed due to the Victoria/NSW Border Closures and QLD Restrictions to NSW Coronavirus HotSports
The recent increase in positive cases in Victoria, to a lesser extent NSW and the QLD restrictions, is an unfortunate reminder that we continue to live with COVID. We have learned a lot from our experience through the past few months and with the situation very fluid in NSW, we are disappointed to inform our many customers that our business is still deemed a non-essential business and as a result we have been asked to not continue our tours across the states of Australia. All our Events, Shows and Performances will further be impacted as we postpone each one.
As some of our cast and crew reside in and within the proximity of the hotspots of NSW, the Queensland Government has refused our request to travel into Queensland for our tours and therefore affecting the thousands of events we had rescheduled. We believe this to be a very unfortunate situation and if you feel the same we ask that you contact your local parliamentary member and express your frustration as well.
All events, shows and performances scheduled in August, September, October and November at this stage has been postponed and we will continue to provide credit and free of charge date changes for a date in 2021. Our event management staff will contact you within the next few months to reschedule your event for the new year without any additional charges. Please refer to our Coronavirus terms and conditions regarding the rescheduling of events and how we are handling requests for cancellations and change of dates.
We are continuously improving our social distancing and hygiene standards for all our events, shows and performances. We'll also continue to work with the Health Department to make sure our safety protocols and procedures are the best they can be. The single most important aspect of which is social distancing.
The safety and wellbeing of all our patrons, audience, customers, teams and communities remains our top priority. Thank you for your ongoing support as we all work together to keep our communities safe and limit the spread of COVID-19 across Australia.
Added 07 July 2020: How the Victoria/NSW Border Closures effective on 07/07/2020 due to 2nd Coronavirus OutBreak is affecting our Events
The recent news of the closure of the Victoria and NSW borders will have an impact on our scheduled tours. All events scheduled in Victoria will once again be postponed indefinitely until the border is reopened and the advice from the Government and Health Officials declare it is safe to travel. Those customers in Victoria or on the border of NSW who are affected will be offered the same credit or rescheduling of dates as originally provided. Please read below on our Coronavirus plan for credit and rescheduling.
While we do quite a few of our actors and crew who live in Victoria, these cast/crew will be asked to remain in Victoria until it is clear and safe to travel. Those events that have our Victoria troupe rostered will regrettably also be postponed as we replan the remaining part of the year and try to find a way to subsitute the Victoria cast/crew with members of our cast/crew from other states. Updates will continue to be provided as the news from Victoria is released.
Added 16 June 2020: We are re-opening and planning and rescheduling tours for our events, shows and performances.
With the restrictions easing we are slowly bringing back our staff into the offices and our event management and accounts team are working hard to replan and reschedule our events, shows and performances.
We will be accepting New Bookings as well as rescheduling previous events/shows/performances that were post-poned due to the coronavirus Pandemic.
- Our Theatre In Education Events will recommence as of August 1, 2020 with a maximum of 150 audience attendance. Additional social distancing restrictions may apply.
- We will not be opening all of Theatre in Education Events on August 1, 2020. The Theatre In Education Events that will be opened for rescheduling or for New Bookings will be The Whole Day Colonial Show, Colonial Experience, Colonial Tales, Gold Rush and Strike Me Lucky.
- THEATER IN EDUCATION EVENTS STAGE 2 (like Anzac Story, Valley of Ancient Worlds, CSI and others):
- These events will remain post-poned until further notice as they have larger group sized audiences and more cast and crew and it would be harder to maintain the 4 square meter rule. We are in the process of finding a way to open these events as well.
- EVENTS / SHOWS / PERFORMANCES STAGE 3, 4 and 5 (like Boombastic Shows, Holiday Shows, Dinner Restaurants Events):
- These events will remain post-poned until further notice as they have larger group sized audiences and more cast and crew and it would be harder to maintain the 4 square meter rule. We are in the process of finding a way to open these events as well.
- FILMS and Stage Theatre Events and Larger PRODUCTIONS:
- These are being considered to commence as of November 1, 2020 with limited workers on set.
Where are events and shows or performances contain interactive scenes with the audience we are implementing the following conditions to ensure we are following the recommendations of the Health and Government Officials as listed on the website of . While the event itself will not change, the following aspects of the interactive show will need to be implemented.
- Any interactive scene where an audience member is selected, all cast/crew will keep a minimum of 1.5 meters (arms length apart or 5 feet) apart from them.
- Any prop where an audience member needs to touch or access, our Cast will explain in specific details with words only and inform them to collect and pick up. Where the item needs to be returned our Cast will use words only and inform the audience member of where and how to return the item (without rushing and safely).
- No Cast or Crew will make any physical contact with an audience member AT ALL. Where our events has a stage direction where contact with an audience member is to occur, our CAST will not make the rehearsed/scripted contact with the audience. Please note this does not apply to physical contact between our Cast. This is deemed to be safe as our Cast will be following the procedures of remaining disinfected and safe.
- We will not be opening all of Theatre in Education Events on August 1, 2020. The Theatre In Education Events that will be opened for rescheduling or for New Bookings will be The Whole Day Colonial Show, Colonial Experience, Colonial Tales, Gold Rush and Strike Me Lucky.
Our cast and crew will be instructed and informed on the cleaning and hygience practises as recommended by the Australian Health and Government Officials as stated on their website at . These include the following procedures we will be taking:
- All equipment will be disinfected at the end of all events and all cast and crew are to be involved in this.
- All wardrobe for our cast and where an audience member wears for the interactive shows will be washed at the end of each day.
- Only our Company Crew will be responsible for the disinfecting and wiping down all production equipment.
- Company vehicle interior passenger cabin will be sprayed down before and after each event using the recommended disinfecting solutions.
- All our cast/crew will use disposable hand sanitizers to wipe hands and keep themselves cleaned and will dispose of them immediately.
What will happen to booked shows or New Show/Events wanting to book:
The Corona Virus continues to take the world by storm. We have had so many of our valuable customers contact us about their booked event and right now we are experiencing a huge delay in replying to all customers in a timely manner. Iconic Productions has always been proud to support remote working, but with so many of our staff stood down, we have limited workers who are working from home who have adequate internet resources to answers calls. Our commitment to empowering and connecting remote workforces is even stronger than before, however, the limited resources from Telstra means our workers who are remotely working do not have access to phone systems. Therefore we do ask for the meantime that all communication is via email correspondence. To contact our staff please use our Contact Us Form page found at
The positive news of restrictions possibly being eased over the next few weeks is very welcoming, however, Iconic Productions faces three major hurdles. We are working with and discussing all options with the relevant government and health experts to find a way to provide you with your event.
- Iconic Productions is a film and theatre company and not an educational company and therefore our business industry is not part of the essential workplaces to be operating.
- As we are a film and theatre company we are not allowed to have events indoors that exceed 10 or events outdoors that exceed 500.
- Iconic Productions main office is in Sydney and all our event sets and props are located in Sydney. Due to the borders being closed our events are determined as non-essential travel to cross state borderlines.
We continue to have regular meetings with many different industry experts and with government officials to find a solution out of this.
All Iconic Productions and Iconic Performances events, theatre shows and performances until 31 of July, 2020 have been POSTPONED. Further events, shows and performances may be suspended after these dates. With the cost of travel, touring, staff meals, travel allowances and accommodation costs that the company has already paid it has been financially challenging for us. We are strong and are confident we will come out of this as survivors with the rest of Australians.
The entire global community including business, families, in fact, everyone in Australia are affected by the coronavirus. We are following similar steps that many other businesses are taking to ensure, in relation to credit vouchers for the sustainability of the business and industry.
The Iconic brand has been an important part of the lives of so many customers, national and international visitors – for nearly 20 years, and we know our shows and events provide refuge during times of stress for many. However, for the health and safety of our customers, staff and the broader community, and to comply with social distancing measures, mandated by government and health authorities across the respective countries where Iconic has an office, to prevent the transmission of COVID-19, the Board of Directors and Executive Management Team have made the difficult decision to indefinitely close all offices effective within the next 4 hours. The impact of this decision means all our departments include the event management departments in all Iconic offices have now been *closed* indefinitely. Only Department Supervisors are available for limited hours per day to receive and manage your enquiries. Major delays will occur and we apologize in advance.
- At this time we have suspended on all booked events until further notice. This stop hold means all our customers who have already paid for their event will have their show date rescheduled to a later date (when all this comes to an end) and will be transferred FREE OF CHARGE to the next available date FREE OF CHARGE.
- For customers who have not yet paid, we are providing you with a 90-day payment extension FREE OF CHARGE and this will be reconsidered at the end of 90 day period.
- For all our customers, if we are not able to find a suitable event date to re-schedule your show, event or performance or you do not wish to reschedule your date once the restrictions are removed, we will provide you with a 12 Month Credit FREE OF CHARGE (where you have already made the payment).
- For those customers who have not paid for their event date yet, and who do not wish to reschedule the event when this all ends, we do understand, however, we ask you to support all businesses, including Iconic Productions and try to work with us in rescheduling your event date.
- For the sustainability of Iconic Productions, if you have made a payment for your event booking we do appreciate the payment. In the same decision for the sustainability of Iconic Productions cancellations at this stage will be required to be paid for in full as per the company terms and conditions. However, DO NOT WORRY. To avoid this you do not need to cancel your event, whether it is already paid or has not been paid yet, as the company has made the decision to offer all our customers, including you, the Payment Extensions FREE OF CHARGE if your account has not been paid and will provide a 12-month credit if the situation continues for a longer than anticipated period if full or partial payment has been received.
- Please do not turn up to our events if you have purchased tickets to our excursion based events, shows or performances. If your event, show or performance booked is a school incursion, please be aware that your event will be temporarily put on hold and postponed to another date and time throughout the year. We will maintain contact with you on a regular basis and find a suitable available date to postpone your event.
- For customers who purchased the optional extra Refund Protection Package at the time of the original booking purchase, you can request a refund by completing the refund form at . Refer to our Terms and Conditions regarding the Optional Extra Refund Protection Package at
The company has decided to monitor the outbreak and the rules and regulations put out by the government officials on a week to week basis. Please be supportive of our staff during these challenging times as our team are inundated with rescheduling and planning of the year's tours and shows.
As the impact of the new COVID-19 is being felt around the whole world we remind everyone that it is important to take sensible steps to look after yourself, your family, the vulnerable and your community.
- Keep an eye out for updates from reliable sources from your local, state and Federal Government.
- If you develop a fever, cough, sore throat or shortness of breath within 14 days of overseas travel or are in contact with someone else who has Coronavirus, seek medical attention: call your health professional, or in an emergency, your local hospital emergency department.
- Protect yourself and others:
- clean your hands regularly,
- cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue.
- follow the government's advice on social distancing and social isolation.
On behalf of all staff of Iconic Productions and Iconic Performances.
Iconic Productions Pty Limited / Iconic Performances Pty Limited
Phone: 1300 860 074 | | |