MUD FUN is an event that take place around a large central clay-mud-pit filled with pure clay and sand that acts as a community playground and stage of sorts. Events are designed for attendees to be able to participate in one or more of several activities: mixing, building and sculpting the mud mixtures into artistic, durable, functional bricks, walls and structures, playing music, drumming, incorporating theatrics, preparing and serving food, and watching the spectacle as an audience member.  The interactive show arrives in the comfort of your school/company or organisation and allows you and those involved to be part of the ancient recipe of unfired earthen masonry demonstrating how to make bricks, walls and structures either in miniature architectural scale models of life sized. This can be a whole of school project - for example building and sculpting a garden wall, a pizza oven or a bench, or an outdoor kitchen.

With words like gathering, cooperating, working together, playing together, keeping up with the rhythm and the beat and the melody, preparing and sharing, building, sculpting, planning, designing, hosting, organising, dancing, working, passing the blobs, stomping on the mud, mixing and churning the mud, testing, presenting, mentoring, volunteering, learning, teaching, singing, chanting, squishing, sloshing, slopping, patting, smoothing, polishing, lifting, moving, displaying, calculating, communicating, welcoming, meeting, greeting, inviting, promoting, marketing, advertising, making, swirling, plastering, decorating, painting, enjoying, wetting, drying, splashing, soaking, bathing, lolling, eating, drinking, merry-making, recording, editing, writing, drumming, performing, acting, role playing, experimenting, creating, expowering, remembering, discovering, engineering, joking, face-painting, body painting, story telling, cooking, smelling, blobbing, forming, team building, shaping. You are guaranteed an excellent unique interactive event and show.

MUD FUN is so successful and works because of the unique formula with a unique appeal.

  1. The mud blurs the lines between work and play, art and science, education and community service, and the weird and wonderful.

  2. An all inclusive, "more-the-merrier" approach- ideal for bringing together the whole school. - youth leadership and empowerment.

  3. Based upon sound community organising strategies and principles.

  4. A leadership team of youth and mentors is trained to host ​a series of ​warm weather festive events and gatherings around a large, outdoor, clay-mud pit ​which simultaneously serves as a playground, stage and a project- based learning building site.

  5. Once a site is chosen a clay-mud pit is built and filled with soft and squishy and mushy and mooshy and ooey and gooey and gloopy and gloppy and sloppy mud made from sand and clay. ​

  6. The mud pit area becomes the site for festive earthen building events with an audience, music food and unfired-earthen-masonry building and sculpting activities.

  7. Performing the​​​​​​​​​​ barefoot mud-stomping dance mixes and churns ​the clay-mud into a suitable mixture for ​building and sculpting with​​​​, which transforms the labor intensive aspect into a fun, interesting activity​​​​​​. -

  8. A durable, a​rtistic, functional structure is completed by the end of the project and becomes a permanent asset of the community, ​managed by the site hosts who own or manage the land.

  9. ​The finshed structure and everything that has been learned along the way ​belongs to the community and becomes the seed for future aspirations.

  10. During the colder weather participants design and build small scale models of structures which are showcased to promote the spring and summer program.

MUD FUN offers 3 different programs.

  1. Mini-Mud Fun, Indoor Programming during the colder months: Engage your class, or whole school around designing, building, & showcasing a hand sculpted small scale model structure made with locally sourced clay subsoil ingredients. Culminate with a festive event to showcase your work and share what you have learned with your community.

  2. Year round programming for large projects: Engage your whole school and community around designing, building and showcasing a life sized, artistic, functional structure made with locally sourced clay subsoil ingredients. Create festive events around a large mud pit, with live music and drums and audiences and food. Build a life-sized, functional artistic structure such as an oven, bench, kitchen, cubby house or other small dwelling type structure.

  3. One day experience: When the weather is warm, bring a festive mud stomp to your community or school. Engage your whole school or community in a festive mud stomp where participants work together as a team and play drums, serve each other food, and of course interact with the mud - mixing it with hands and feet and making mud blobs and mud bricks. This can be organised as a fundraiser where students ask their family members to sponsor their brickmaking efforts and successes.

MUD FUN  Experience the Wow, the Fun, the Hands On approach.


  1. Wet clay mud helps blur the lines between: work and play, art and science, education and community service, dirty and clean, weird and wonderful. Wet clay and skin have a unique relationship and when combined with parental approval, warm weather, drums, music, choreography, audiences, food and building activities for the whole family, it becomes magical.

  2. Youth of all ages are engaged in the processes and each project draws upon the unique flavor that local youth bring to the table.

  3. Building a permanent, functional, artistic structure from scratch builds momentum with excuses for celebration along the way. Participation can range from one-time experiences to long-term commitments in the beginning, middle or end or over the life of the project. The leadership team is trained to replicate the program for continuity.

  4. A range of topics can be explored through the lenses of community, shelter and sustainability. Topics include: history, world cultures, geography, geology, architecture, natural resources, fossil fuels, pollution, music, art, health, documentation, writing, drama and communication. Teachers notes are available upon request.

  5. Math measuring proportions and ratios - sand to clay - scale models - estimating square foot area- number of bricks needed - multiplication calculations - division - circumference - architecture - design - shelter - finance, mortgage, interest, rent payments, estimated costs of materials for life-size project

  6. English Constructing clear and concise sentences for the public presentation at festive event - Public speaking -Writing in a journal - Writing Poetry

  7. Science Soil types -subsoil - clay -the creation of clay-geology

  8. And many many more.

MUD FUN is available for the following school levels:

MUD FUN is available in most areas of Australia, including but not limited to:

Price Information:

Travel Charges:

Teacher/Customer Resources Available:

Staff Qualifications: